Head Nods and Headaches

Headaches are the worst. And migraines are even worse!  Every 10 seconds, someone in the United States goes to the ER with a headache or migraine. Did you know that migraines aren’t caused…

Thanksgiving = Giving Thanks

This is not a typical post for us here at Original Strength, BUT this is not a typical time of year.... I have to be honest. When I was a child. I did not like the Thanksgiving holiday.…

A New Frontier Called "Play"

The following is a guest article by Mark Limbaga: Crawling is probably one of the most fun things we can ever do. Its benefits have been shared from countless posts before this one.

Are You Prepared to Move?

In our modern day, we have created many guidelines for how to eat, how to move, even how to think. Some of these guidelines can be useful like, "brush your teeth at least twice a day." Other guidelines…

How (and why) to crawl for 10 minutes straight

A tremendous guest article by Aleks Salkin and Josh Halbert: “I said look you need to crawl before you ball” - Kanye West Every exercise has a standard…

The Secret is Out

We can't hide the truth any longer. There is a reason that the Original Strength resets works so well. They solidify your center. Energy travels through solids better than hollow…