Why I Crawl

I thought it might be a good time to share the reasons why I crawl. Not the reasons to crawl, but my reasons for why I crawl. This is just a quick list for me. Some of my reasons may…

Run Your Race

When I was in high school and I ran track, I had one particular track meet that I have never forgotten. I was going to run the 400 meter race. Before the race started, during warm-ups, a kid from a…

Cranky Curmudgeon No More!

...And now, a guest post by Sarah Young, an Original Strength Specialist... In the last few years, I've had a bit of a falling out with my body. It decided, for some reason, to begin…

Just Press

Original Strength, the five resets presented in OS, restore the body's foundation for strength and movement. For us adults, this is a beautiful thing. The very movements that built our resilient bodies…

Dead Bugs for Life!

.....a guest post by Aleks Salkin “Reach for the sky!” - Woody from Toy Story Well, you heard the man! Er, toy. Start reaching! But I’m gonna add a caveat –…


Dedicated to John, Randi, and of course, Moses... How long do you expect to live? Have you ever thought about this before? Or, have you simply settled on the notion…

What You Want

What You Want Do you know what you want? I am asking this because as a trainer, many people often find their way to me because they think they know what they want. Many people want to lose…

Break Time

In today's hustle and bustle life, we spend most of our time sitting. Not because we want to, but because that is the demand that life places on us. Many of us work in chairs. Many of us drive cars…

It is in You

On the outside, I am Tim.  "Timmy" to those I grew up with. On the inside though, I am Superman. Inside of me there has always been a longing to be super:…