It is Good to Feel Good

Categories: Uncategorized May 14, 2014

There is no doubt about it, feeling good feels good. If you've ever been sick, you know what I'm talking about. In fact, you cannot put a price on good health. It is simply priceless. If you have followed Original Strength at all, it will come to no surprise to you that I believe we were all made to feel good. We are supposed to feel well and strong - always. If we are all wonderfully made, and we are, then it would stand to reason that we are all made to feel good, to feel healthy and whole.

If you doubt this, consider that the world is simply a better place when we feel good. This is true. Did you know that your health actually shapes the world? The truth is, the life you live and the lives you touch will be greatly determined by how well you feel.

If you've ever been sick, if you've ever had a nagging issue, or maybe even a serious life altering issue, you know that your mind and all of your thoughts gravitate towards your issue, to whatever is wrong with you. Our issues of pain, or illness, consume our thoughts. Even when we don't want them to, our thoughts often drift and imagine about our issues. When something is wrong with us, we often become very self focused. Have you ever tried to really listen to your wife, or husband, or child, when your mind was preoccupied with back pain, or a fear of a condition you might have? How much patience do you display? How giving of yourself are you? How loving can you be when you don't feel well?

Conversely, when you feel good, when you feel great, it is much easier to love others. It is much easier to offer an ear, a hand, or a smile to someone in need. The world is indeed a better, brighter place when we feel healthy because we can be others-absorbed and not self-absorbed.

Truly, how we treat others is a matter of our hearts, but even "not so nice people" are nicer when they feel good. "Not so nice people" can make the world a better place, too, when they feel well.

The point is, you were made to feel well and the world really needs you to feel well. One of the best things you can do for yourself, and those around you, is to honor your design. You were designed to move. If we moved, like we were made to move, there would be less issues, itises, and conditions to deal with. There would also be less destructive and distractive thoughts that would try to consume us. Physical issues, emotional issues, and mental issues could all be helped, relieved, or removed if we embraced our design and we moved.

Movement can set us free on so many different levels. It can set us free from being imprisoned in our own bodies. It can restore strength and mobility. It can set us free from our own mental issues. It can calm and soothe the mind, and restore creativity. And, movement can set us free from our own internal isolations. It can allow us and enable us to love others because we feel so good we are not concerned about ourselves.

Every day, take a purposeful walk for 20 minutes, or crawl for 5 minutes, or roll on the floor for 10 minutes. See if it doesn't make a difference. See if you don't feel better immediately. See if you don't smile more. Watch others notice the change in you.

Yes. It is good to feel good.

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