Limitless Potential

Categories: Blog Feb 19, 2017

Yesterday, I met a new friend. Well, he was a stranger who walked into my studio, but when he left, we were friends. Anyway, a stranger walked into the Original Strength Institute yesterday just to see the place and say, “hi.” He had seen some of the OS videos on Youtube and was meeting a friend in town and thought he would take the opportunity to stop in for a look.

When we were talking he was telling me about things he could not do. “I’ve tried some of those moves in the videos and nope. Not for me. I can’t move like that.” To which i replied, “Yet.”

I asked him to follow me over to a mat. I was going to conduct a quick OSSA (Original Strength Screen and Assessment).  Before the OSSA, I had asked him to touch his toes, he was quite a ways away from that, about 12 inches or so. During the OSSA, I saw a couple of things that I thought were worth investigating. I tried two RESETs with him and asked him to touch his toes again. He touched his toes. For the first time in his memory.

And that was cool. But more awesome than him touching his toes was his reaction. The look of wonder, and joy, and utter disbelief on his face was smile inducing. He was so overjoyed he started shouting and pacing. He was overwhelmed with joy. And it was contagious. His friend was eyes wide open. One of my trainers who had been watching across the room was captivated by this man’s animation and excitement. Just witnessing this man’s joy filled me with joy. The moment was simply AWEsome.

I’m sharing this with you because Original Strength is powerful, it can be life-changing. But make no mistake, I say OS is powerful, but what I am really referring to is the power behind the body’s design.

Your body is amazingly designed and your potential is immeasurable. You were not made to be limited.

Limited - restricted, dejected, off the mark, not good enough, weak, fragile, confined, caged, boxed up, etc…

No, you weren’t made for any of those things. You were made to be limitless.

Limitless - free from constraints, free from weakness, resilient, durable, boundless, more than enough, etc…

Again, you potential is immeasurable. But that’s your potential. Your reality and your potential may not be in the same place. Yet.

Original Strength, the movements or RESETs we teach, is really just the way body was designed to move. And for whatever reason, when you engage in these movements, restrictions and limits get erased. Hope gets released and potential becomes realized.

In OS, we strive to remind everyone that they are wonderfully made. We do that because it is simply true. Many of the solutions you need to make your life better are tucked away in your very design waiting to be untapped. All of that to say, do not let your current reality keep you from your potential. If you are not moving well, if you hurt, if you feel stuck, weak, damaged or depressed, tap into your potential. There is a great deal of potential in your body’s design waiting to be released. I’m not saying you will experience a miracle, but you may experience hope. You may experience a joy that you haven't felt in a while. And is that any less powerful than a miracle?

The gentleman who came into my studio, my new friend, I saw in his face something like a revelation. He discovered something he had not expected. I’m not fully sure what his “moment” was or how personal it was to him, but it was powerful. I do believe his life will be better because of that. I know my own life is better from witnessing his hope and joy explode.

My last point is this: the potential in you, if realized, will not only affect you. It will positively affect those around you as well. This means the power and potential in your design reaches further than just you. You really do have limitless potential…

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