Memorial Day Workout

Categories: Blog May 29, 2016

It's Memorial Day. In the United States, this is our day to remember the men and women who died fighting for our freedom. As a result of enjoying this freedom, this is also a day that many people take mini-vacations to the beach, the mountains, or wherever. When people go on vacations, they leave their routines. Some routines they don't really want to leave, but when you are not on your home turf, it is often hard to pull off the routines you believe are important. That is why they sell travel toothpaste and toothbrushes. Some routines just shouldn't be skipped!

Anyway, whether you travel for vacations or your job, being on the road can present a challenge when it comes to keeping up with your exercise routine. Because of that, I want to offer you a simple routine that you can do anywhere, even at home. This is a great, simple routine will keep you moving well and make you strong.

We are going to "Climb a Mountain" with three movements: Bodyweight Squats, Pushups, and Rocking.

To climb a mountain, we are going to perform one rep of each exercise, then two reps, then three... "Climb" all the way up to 10 reps of each movement. This may take you up to ten minutes. If you want to stop here and go about your day, have a great day! You've done a good job.

If you want to continue on, after you reach 10 of each rep, "climb" down. Perform nine reps of each exercise, then eight reps, then seven... Work your way all the way down to 1 rep of each.

If you complete this, you will have performed 100 squats, 100 pushups and 100 rocks! It may take you anywhere between 17 - 30 minutes. However long it takes you, awesome job! It doesn't matter how long it takes you to do this. All that matters is you simply do what you can do, and rest as you need to rest. If you only go up to 10 of each, great! If you make it back down to 6 of each on the back end and decide to stop, great! If you actually complete 100 reps of each, great! All that matters is you do what you can do.

Again, this is a great, simple routine that can keep you moving and training even when you are away from your home territory. Though, this is a great routine you can also do at home. I have climbed many mountains at home in my kitchen....  This mountain is also easy to progress, should you ever want to. You can try to climb higher up or further down, you can try to beat your time, you can even try to hold your kids when you perform the squats.

1 Squat, 1 Pushup, 1 Rock -> 2 Squats, 2 Pushups, 2 Rocks -> .....9 Squats, 9 Pushups, 9 Rocks -> 10 Squats, 10 Pushups, 10 Rocks -> 9 Squats, 9 Pushups, 9 Rocks -> .... 2 Squats, 2 Pushups, 2 Rocks -> 1 Squat, 1 Pushup, 1 Rock

Happy Memorial Day everyone! Thank you to all who died for us, who served for us, and who serve for us. Thank you all.


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