Protect Your Head

Categories: Blog Nov 01, 2015

If you have been following OS for any period of time, you probably know by now that the body follows the head and the head leads the body. That is our design. It is physical and mental. If the head moves in one direction, it facilitates the body's ability to easily move in that direction. If you look down, the body can easily bend down. If you look up, the body can easily move into extension. The same thing happens if you look to the left or to the right, it enables the body to easily move to the left and to the right.

As I mentioned, the head leads the body in the same way mentally. Just as the motion of your head moves the body, the thoughts in your head also move the body. The thoughts you keep in your head determine the direction you will go. This is true physically. If you think thoughts of strength, you will more than likely be healthy and strong. If you think thoughts of sickness, your body can easily succumb to sickness. Your thoughts also determine the direction of your life. Please don't miss this. If you think thoughts of defeat, gloom, despair, doubt or fear they can lead you down the path of defeat. They can also lead your body down a dark part as well. If you think thoughts of success, joy, and peace those thoughts can lead you to a life of success.

Your thoughts and your focus on those thoughts lead you to your destination. Have you ever heard the phrase "attitude determines outcome"? When it comes to having a life of strength and success, what you keep in your head matters just as much as physically having control of the movements of your head matters.

The reason I want to tell you this is because there are people in this world that will try to hijack your thoughts. They may be people that love you, or they may be people that genuinely dislike you. Not everyone believes in you. Not everyone wants to see you happy, or wants to see you become successful. Not everyone will celebrate with you over the joys and victories of your life. Instead, they may try to cast shadows of doubt in your mind and say things like, "Whoa, you can't do that" , "I had a friend that did that once and he lost everything he had..." , "Honey, no Smith has ever gone to college. Are you sure you have what it takes?" OR, they may be down right mean and say things like, "You're a loser", "You're just a shade-tree mechanic, what do you know" , "I simply don't like you."

You cannot let other people get into your head. They only want to distract you and sabotage your path. You have to protect your thoughts. You cannot make people not say negative things to you, towards you or about you, but you can choose not to listen to them. You can choose not to let your thoughts absorb their thoughts. You can choose to stay focused and run your race. It is your attention to your thoughts that matters. It is your path, your race that you must run regardless of what other people think. The thoughts of others, EVEN IF THEY ARE GOOD THOUGHTS, should never carry enough weight in your own mind to pull you out of your race.

You have a path that is made especially for you. No one else can live your life and fulfill your purpose but you. But it is your own head that leads you down the path to success, or the path to failure. It is your head that determines which way you will go. Will you choose to be strong and healthy? Will you choose to be successful? Or, will you let the darkness, the negativity, the doubt creep into your head and lead you away from the life you know you were meant to live?

You must keep your head up - in body and in mind. Do not let the thoughts of others distract you. Protect your thoughts. This is the best way to protect your heart and ensure your path.

Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. - Proverbs 4:23

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