Start Where You Are, Do What You Can

Categories: Blog Feb 10, 2016

One of the downsides of being the co-creator of Original Strength, is that people read and see what you do, and forget that where you are now, is not where you started.

Then, their competitive nature takes over. And they start, or try to start, where you currently are.

For example, when I tell people that I need more chain, because crawling, even uphill, with 200 pounds of chain dragging behind me, (because they ask me) is easy, or they hear of Tim Spider-Man Crawling for one mile non-stop, they are either overwhelmed or try to compete.

But it’s too hard, they get discouraged, and may be tempted to give up, because their results aren’t like mine. However, they fail to realize, I’ve been doing the RESETs for almost 6 years now.

Which brings me to a very simple point:

You may see Facebook posts and YouTube videos of people using Original Strength Performance dragging chain and so on. Aspire to do that, but don’t let it get you down if you “can’t” do it right now.

A journey up a mountain starts with a single step. And the way to the top is to simply put one foot in front of the other and keep going uphill until you reach the summit.

Here’s a text we got yesterday from Original Strength Instructor, Mark Shropshire, from one of the attendees at the recent Worcester, MA, “Pressing RESET” workshop:


Start wherever you are.

Do what you can, when you can.

And keep moving forward, one little step at a time.

If you’re struggling with the basic 5 RESETs you learned in the book, chances are better than good that you need to learn and explore the RESET Regressions. We cover those in depth in our "Pressing RESET" workshops. You can learn more about upcoming workshops here.

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