The Ground is Your Friend

Categories: Uncategorized Sep 18, 2013



For most of us, life starts on the ground, or the flat surface that we are laid upon. We all develop our strength by learning how to overcome gravity. We learn how to pick our heads up, how to roll, how to get to all fours, and eventually how to stand. The ground is where all of this learning takes place. This is where we build our reflexive strength.

Why then do you think that many of us run to a health club, or a sports store to buy the latest gadget when we decide we are tired of being sedentary and we want to reclaim our health? We gain our health on the ground as a child. Why wouldn't we go back to the ground as an adult when we want to regain our health?

After all, sedentary adults (adults who have spent most of their lives not moving) are much like babies that have just entered the world: they both have to learn how to move in order to build strength and mobility. The ground, or the floor, is probably the first place we should go when we want to regain our original strength.

Ok, I've said too much, just check out this video!


Shake weights! Ha!





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