The “Miracle” of Long-Term Resetting

Categories: Blog May 20, 2015

I had a great conversation last night with Chief OS Science Whiz, Dr Mike Musselman, DC.

We were discussing how it took a guy 8 months of daily practice to be able to rewire his brain to be able to ride a bike who’s Law of Sowing and Reapingsteering was backwards. Turn the handlebars left, the wheel turns right. And vice versa. He spent 8 month’s training and practicing. And then “suddenly,” one day, he could do it. This man’s son, at age 6, apparently took minutes to learn how to do the same feat.

The point of the conversation was two-fold:

  1. Neuroplasticity: The brain is remarkable and can learn pretty much anything. However, some things take longer than others.

  2. Perseverance: As much as we like seeing the “miraculous” changes that people have at the workshops, there are many who don’t. At least not immediately.

It’s this last point I want to discuss - “At least not immediately.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson, 19th century American poet and philosopher said,

“Do the thing, have the power.”

I have loved that quote ever since it was brought to my attention by one of my mentors. (Another quote of his, was, “Hope is not a course of action.” We’ll save that for another time…)

Emerson’s point being:

It’s the “doing” of any given thing that yields the results - or the power - that comes from doing that thing.

The Resets are no different.

Sure some of us see amazing and immediate changes in our bodies. I know I did. And some of us don’t. I know I didn’t too. In fact, it wasn’t until after FIVE years of doing the Resets that I recently hit a PR (Personal Record) in one of my favorite physical endeavors, that I had never hit before. And it felt amazing.

BUT - It took me five years to get there. Of doing the resets daily. And pushing them hard with "uncomfortable" resets like Loaded Crawling.

And that’s the “miracle.”

Even thought it’s not sexy or exciting, there IS a LONG TERM payoff from doing the resets. Every. Single. Day.

What is it you can’t currently do, but want to? (Sorry, flying is the exception.)

Now imagine yourself doing that thing. And keep doing your resets. And “tie” doing that thing to your resets. That’s what I did. And eventually, it’ll happen.


Because Emerson’s quote is also part of his Laws of Compensation, otherwise known as the Law of Sowing and Reaping, something that seems to have been forgotten in today’s instant messaging society.

Quite simply, what you plant (sow), you’ll reap (harvest). And more often than not, there’s time between the two. It’s a Law of the Universe.

This is why the resets work. You’re sowing “new” information into your brain for quality movement. (Not really, you’re just coaxing your body to remember old hardwired movement patterns.) And eventually, you’re body will shed it’s movement dysfunctions and resulting compensations and work the way it was intended to work. Eventually. If you keep on doing them. If you don’t give up. Just like Emerson said.

So, keep doing your resets, whether you “feel” anything or not, and eventually, you’ll have the power - you'll see those changes. It’s a Law of the Universe.

PS - If you’re not “feeling” anything and aren’t seeing any changes, you may need to do a variation of the resets - or a regression. I had to do some crawling regressions early on - they made one of the biggest differences in getting me to that proverbial “next level.”

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