What an OS Warm-up Looks Like

Categories: Uncategorized Oct 30, 2013



We often get many emails and questions at our workshops asking us what an OS warm-up might look like. So, I thought I'd make a video of how a quick, but effective warm-up might look. This is just a simple warm-up that I have used quite often over the last few years.


The truth is, your OS warm-up can look any way you want it to, or need it to. You might need to really focus on breathing for 5 minutes. Maybe you just need to rock back and forth playing with your knee positions. Or, maybe you just need to roll around on the floor for 10 minutes and then just call it a day. Heck, maybe there are days that you don't even need to "warm-up" cause your already ready. Yes, you will have those days if you press reset often enough. There are many times now in my life when I just jump straight into my training.

Your warm-up can easily look the way you need it to look. On any given day, you might need to change things up because different days can present a different You. Some days you may choose certain resets just to help stress melt away from your body. Other days you may only need to press reset for 45 seconds and then: Boom! You are ready to train.

Don't over think how to use the resets before you train. Just press reset. Choose the resets that feel good. Choose the resets that make the biggest impact on your body. Just don't feel like you need a prescribed rep list or a prescribed amount of time to press reset when you train. If you press reset, then you have been reset. If you get into your workout routine and something doesn't quite feel right, then simply press reset again.

As you accumulate the reps of performing resets throughout your day, as well as in your warm-up, you will quickly learn what you need to do, what you want to do, or what feels good to do. Again, there will even be days when you don't even think about perform a "warm-up" because you are just "on" and ready. And that my friends, is the way it should be. If you press reset enough, you will find this to be true.



Please note: There are "regressions" to the resets. Believe it or not, not everyone can crawl, or should crawl. Sometimes we need to break the resets down into regressions. These regressions are still resets, however, and they can really help return a person's Original Strength. If you would like to learn more about these regressions, check out our workshop schedule and see if there is a workshop near you. If there is not a workshop coming soon to a town near you, it just might be worth making a trip for!



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