Resetting through Circular Patterns

Course Description: 

This 4-hour course will arm attendees with basic Indian Club skills and teach them how to use additional tools to RESET the body further and improve their nervous system's overall health.  Attendees can expect to walk away with a thorough understanding of how and why to implement Indian Clubs and other circular training tools with their clients/patients simply and effectively that fits with the Pressing RESET method.  

Course Objectives/Outcomes: 

  • Basic History of Indian Clubs
  • How Indian Clubs and Original Strength Correlate 
  • How to properly perform some basic Indian patterns
  • How to use Indian Clubs for an ultimate MINDBODY Reset by blending OS principles with circular and spiral patterns to create a stronger, more resilient you from the inside out 
  • Reap the benefits of engaging in new contra-lateral/midline crossing movements to build strength and stability 
  • Open the door to the possibilities of incorporating this course's concepts with other training modalities and philosophies. 

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